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First Name

Swaroop Achuta

Postdoctoral Fellow


Swaroop Achuta

Laura Alvarez

Social Media & Communications Manager (on parental leave)


Laura Alvarez

Fabián A. Amaya García

Predoctoral Fellow


Fabián A. Amaya García

S. Andreas Angermayr

Head of the Scientific Office / Lab Manager

43-140160-70 087

S. Andreas Angermayr

Laura Antonio Herrera

Postdoctoral Fellow

+43 1 40160 70055

Laura Antonio Herrera

Cosmas Arnold

Senior NGS Technologist & Scientific Project Manager


Cosmas Arnold

Barbara Bachmann

Academic Affairs Manager


Barbara Bachmann

Dr. Andreas Bergthaler

Adjunct Principal Investigator


Dr. Andreas Bergthaler

Stefan Bernhardt

PR & Communications Manager

+43-140160-70 056

Stefan Bernhardt

Kaan Boztug

Adjunct Principal Investigator


Kaan Boztug

Thomas Brandl

Head of Grants and HR Generalist


Thomas Brandl

Clarissa Campbell

Principal Investigator

+43-140160-70 093

Clarissa Campbell

Patricia Carey

Senior IT Systems Engineer


Patricia Carey

Carolina Caso

Postdoctoral Fellow


Carolina Caso

Jean-Paul Chidiac

Head of Human Resources


Jean-Paul Chidiac

Marko Cigler

Postdoctoral Fellow

+43-140160-70 055

Jose Cisneros Trigo

Research Chemist


Jose Cisneros Trigo

Diana Daum

Laboratory Technician


Diana Daum

Florian Deckert

Predoctoral Fellow, Student Representative


Florian Deckert

Prudence Donovan

Head of IP & Tech Transfer


Prudence Donovan

Danica Drpic

Project Scientist, Postdoc Representative

+43 1 40160 70063

Danica Drpic

Wolfgang Däuble

Media Relations Manager/ Science Writer

+43-140160-70 092

Wolfgang Däuble

Fatma Öykü Elaslan

Predoctoral Fellow, PhD Representative

+43-140160-70 055

Fatma Öykü Elaslan

Anita Ender

Administrative Director


Anita Ender

Julia Ferran Pedrola

Diploma Student

+43 1 40160 70053

Julia Ferran Pedrola

Laura Marie Gail

Predoctoral Fellow


Laura Marie Gail

Lea Gebrail

Laboratory Technician


Lea Gebrail

Michael Gerstorfer

Lab Manager, TA Representative


Michael Gerstorfer

Sandra Goll

Predoctoral Fellow

+43-140160-70 077

Sandra Goll

Anna Hakobyan

Predoctoral Felllow

+43 1 40160 70018

Anna Hakobyan

Hannah Haller

Laboratory Technician

+43 1 40160 70063

Hannah Haller

Joel Hancock

Predoctoral Fellow


Joel Hancock

David Hoi

Postdoctroal Fellow


David Hoi

Ann-Katrin Hopp

Postdoctoral Fellow (on parental leave)

+43-140160-70 050

Ann-Katrin Hopp

Christiane Hütter

Guest Scientist


Christiane Hütter

Mustapha Jaiteh

Predoctoral Fellow

+43-140160-70 032

Mustapha Jaiteh

Lisa Kainacher

Predoctoral Fellow

+43-140160-70 088

Lisa Kainacher

Lasse Kalevi

Senior IT Systems Administrator

+43 1 40160 70075

Lasse Kalevi

Thet Khaing Nyein

Laboratory Technician

+43-140160-70 096

Thet Khaing Nyein

Katharina Kladnik

Research Technician

+43-140160-70 063

Katharina Kladnik

Christoph Klimek

MDP Technologist

+43-140160-70 045

Christoph Klimek

Katja Knapp

Predoctoral Fellow


Katja Knapp

Katharina Kohl

Predoctoral Fellow


Katharina Kohl

Thomas Krausgruber

Senior Postdoctoral Fellow


Thomas Krausgruber

Elena Krstevska

Senior Research Technician

+43-140160-70 096

Elena Krstevska

Sabrina Ladstätter

Senior Postdoctoral Fellow & Scientific Project Manager

+43 1 40160 70066

Sabrina Ladstätter

Yee Kwan Law

Predoctoral Fellow, PhD Representative

+43-140160-70 047

Yee Kwan Law

Severin Lechner

Postdoctoral Fellow

+43 1 40160 70063

Severin Lechner

Wentao Li

Postdoctoral Fellow


Wentao Li

Michael Lim

Predoctoral Fellow


Michael Lim

Sabrina Lindinger

Senior Research Technician , TA Representative

+43-140160-70 045

Sabrina Lindinger

Barbara Maier

Principal Investigator

+43-140160-70 058

Barbara Maier

Veronika Mancikova

Senior NGS Technologist (Deputy Head of BSF)

+43-140160-70 094

Veronika Mancikova

Carolina Mangana Monteiro

Predoctoral Fellow


Carolina Mangana Monteiro

Nuno Maulide

Adjunct Principal Investigator

+43-140160-70 056

Nuno Maulide

Jörg Menche

Principal Investigator


Jörg Menche

Memo Mokhles

Deputy Head of Human Resources, Recruitment & Onboarding Expert


Memo Mokhles

Felix Müller

Scientific Programmer


Felix Müller

Philipp Münch

Predoctoral Fellow

+43-140160-70 033

Philipp Münch

Tamas Nagy

IT Systems Administrator


Tamas Nagy

Mariia Naumova

Predoctoral Fellow

+43 1 40160 70055

Mariia Naumova

Amelie Nemc

Research Technician (on parental leave)


Amelie Nemc

Tuan-Anh Nguyen

Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc Representative


Tuan-Anh Nguyen

Adele Nicolas

Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc Representative


Adele Nicolas

Anne-Christine Orts

Senior Research Technician

+43-140160-70 032

Anne-Christine Orts

Eugenia Pankevich

Predoctoral Fellow (on parental leave)


Eugenia Pankevich

Mihaela Peycheva

Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc Representative


Mihaela Peycheva

Johannes Pfeifenschneider

Business Development Officer


Johannes Pfeifenschneider

Sophie Piech

Predoctoral Fellow (on parental leave)

+43-140160-70 045

Sophie Piech

Michael Pilz

Head of IT Services


Michael Pilz

Francesco Piras

Postdoctoral Fellow

+43-140160-70 066

Francesco Piras

Sebastian Pirch

Lead 3D Artist

+43 1 40160 70059

Sebastian Pirch

Katarzyna Porebska

Cafeteria Staff Member (on parental leave)

+43-140160-70 090

Katarzyna Porebska

Andrea Pääro

Laboratory Technician

+43-140160-70 032

Andrea Pääro

Mariem Radhouani

Predoctoral Fellow, Student Representative


Mariem Radhouani

Anna Redl

Predoctoral Fellow


Anna Redl

Thomas Reiberger

Adjunct Principal Investigator

+43-140160-70 056

Thomas Reiberger

Stephan Reichl

Predoctoral Fellow


Stephan Reichl

Jamie Reilly

Predoctoral Fellow, PhD Representative


Jamie Reilly

Jiri Reinis

Predoctoral Fellow

+43 1 40160 70038

Jiri Reinis

Ona Rogiers

Business Development and Alliance Manager (on parental leave)

+43-140160-70 097

Ona Rogiers

Natalie Scholes

Postdoctoral Fellow


Natalie Scholes

Caroline Schätz

Predoctoral Fellow

+43-140160-70 088

Caroline Schätz

Dmitri Segal

Postdoctoral Fellow

+43-140160-70 055

Dmitri Segal

Davide Seruggia

Adjunct Principal Investigator


Davide Seruggia

Marton Siklos

Project Scientist

+43-140160-70 039

Marton Siklos

Celine Sin

Postdoctoral Fellow

+43-140160-70 095

Celine Sin

Matthew Spencer

PhD and Postdoc Program Manager

+43-140160-70 086

Matthew Spencer

Georg Stary

Adjunct Principal Investigator

+43-140160-70 056

Georg Stary

Adrijana Stefanovic

Senior Research Technician, TA Representative

43-140160-70 091

Adrijana Stefanovic

Peter Stepper

Postdoctoral Fellow

+43-140160-70 066

Hanna Toth

Predoctoral Fellow


Hanna Toth

Fanni Tóth

Research Technician


Fanni Tóth

Miriam Unterlass

Adjunct Principal Investigator

+43-140160-70 056

Miriam Unterlass

Andreas Villunger

Adjunct Principal Investigator

+43-140160-70 056

Andreas Villunger

Manuela Vollert

Senior Research Technician (on parental leave)

43-140160-70 045

Manuela Vollert

Georg Winter

Principal Investigator


Georg Winter

Anna Wolfschwenger

Head of PR & Communications (on parental leave)



Anna Wolfschwenger

Laura de Rooij

Principal Investigator


Laura de Rooij