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The CeMM PhD Program is a unique blend of practical training, lectures, and mentoring that builds on the guidelines of the Medical University of Vienna (Doctoral Program UN94). At CeMM, the PhD studies begin with a 3-month Introductory Program to prime the students for their research work, to develop the mindset of a critical and responsible researcher, and to form a peer network.

During the studies, there will be mandatory course work in the first two years, including basic seminars and propedeutics in molecular medicine, cell biology, and ethics, dissertation seminars and regular Journal Clubs. CeMM institute-wide seminars are held weekly, where students have the opportunity to present their work on a regular basis and receive valuable feedback from Faculty. Towards the end of the first year, each PhD student will nominate members for their PhD committee, comprising of two established researchers in the respective field, which will convene annually throughout the studies to provide scientific and career guidance to the student.